Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Guy always tells me not to dye my hair. He likes it natural. (WIERD) (it hasn't been natural really since i have known him 20 plus years) i finally dyed it again after my regrowth had reached epic proportions. I decided i didn't want to look like a 60 to 90 year old woman before i really need to. And since i am so wrinkly (according to ERIN) Maybe dyeing my hair is the only way to ward off the years. COMMENTS ANYONE?????????????????????


Liz said...

So what color is it now? I really don't think it matters as long as the curtains match the drapes or what ever that perverted saying is...

Why did Erin say you were wrinkly, I mean it's true but it is so rude of her to say so!

Erin said...

FYI one of the perks of being the baby is that I will always be the youngest...and since I know that doesn't necessarily mean the least wrinkly forever, I have to rub it in now!!!

Jeanette Atkinson said...

We have the technology, why not use it!

Krista McMillan said...

I say Definatly Color, but I did find two grey hairs this week so My oppinion might be kind of tainted!!!